
ASHRAE Danube Chapter Technology Transfer Committee
in cooperation with
Serbian HVAC&R Society (KGH)
AESS (Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia)
is organizing online presentations

1. Healthy Built Environment - Pandemic and Beyond

2. The New Carbon Standards: Towards Net Zero Operational, Embodied, Upfront and Whole Life Carbon

 ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer
Luke Leung, PE, ASHRAE Fellow, LEED Fellow, BEMP, P Eng
7 June, 15.00-16:30 h, Region XIV

Luke Leung, PE, ASHRAE Fellow, LEED Fellow, BEMP, P Eng
Principal, Skidmore, Owings and Merrill
224, S Michigan, Chicago, IL 60514
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Healthy Built Environment - Pandemic and Beyond: United Nation World Health Organization (WHO) categorized health threats that can derail humans and pandemic was number three on the list. When COVID-19 hit us in early 2020, we saw it firsthand of what the impacts can be. This presentation will touch on the current pandemic but also look beyond the current shadow of COVID into the holistic health impacts in our future and what are the strategies to make us healthier. Total spending on health care was 5% GDP in 1960, and is about 18% today. It is projected to rise to about 25% by 2025, and rise to about 37% by 2050. These costs can be the element that derail our future economy if they are not adequately addressed. Our built environment and our lifestyles have been decoupled with nature and its natural cycles. The key for a healthy future is to address our built and terrestrial environments. It is important to understand how the built environment impacts the 10 major human systems including the skeletal, muscular, nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, urinary, and the reproductive system. Body functions are the physiological or psychological functions of body systems. The focus on this presentation will start with human centric health design, and move beyond to terrestrial health. Holistic health of humans also requires a healthy earth to thrive together. Using Amish communities as a study case, this lecture will also compare how our urban environment is different from the rural environment and how to develop a healthier environment with less chronic diseases similar to allergy, autism, asthma, etc.

The New Carbon Standards: Towards Net Zero Operational, Embodied, Upfront and Whole Life Carbon: While the past focus on energy and carbon is more about operational, the new focus will be on Whole Life Carbon. For the past 20+ years, the MEP industry was focused on operational energy reductions. Through strategies related to energy efficiency, utility source selection, and integration of renewable energy, great progress was made to reduce operational carbon. Our focus is now moving to the embodied and Whole Life Carbon associated with the materials and systems found in the built environment. Embodied carbon looks at the carbon impacts associated with extracting, manufacturing, and transporting materials to the jobsite, in addition to manufacturing and transportation, including impacts related to in-use and end of life. While life cycle analysis (LCA) accounts for impacts over the full lifecycle of a material, which includes embodied and operating carbon, or, cradle to grave. Also, more focus is on Upfront Carbon, or, cradle to gate to understand the carbon impact of different materials. This will greatly impact our work tomorrow. This discussion will include different methodologies in the counting of carbon, examples of different carbon calculations, and ways to reduce carbon emissions holistically. With the new administration goal of 1.5C net zero economies by 2050, and 2035 all-renewable electricity grid, we need to accelerate holistic carbon effort to an all-electric, and net zero future
